The accounting treatment of transactions denominated in foreign currency is important for any US company with overseas activities. As more and more US companies engage in activity that is conducting in currency other than the US dollar it is crucial for such companies to understand how to properly report such transactions in their books.
Discovering the true value of your currency is critical to a positive transaction. The currency market trades between several entities and there is no sole governing institution that regulates these trades or sets global prices.. There is no central market.
The current instability in the world's financial markets results very rapid valuation and devaluations of major currencies, which, in turn, results in volatility in the foreign currency exchange rates. Consequently, U.S. multinational corporation have become more concerned about the costs associated with exchanging U.S. dollars into foreign currencies and vice versa, and have been looking for more efficient ways to reduce the costs, and manage the risks, associated with foreign currency transactions. U.S. tax considerations play a key role in such a cost-benefit equation. This hands on seminar will introduce the fundamental business, economics, tax and accounting aspects of foreign currency transactions. Particular topics include
Our training sessions are generally conducted in live format, however, occasionally webinars may also be made available under the right circumstances. Continuing education credits toward your specific state licensing may be availble in your state. Please contact us for details.
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